27 Oct 2009

A highly recommended day out in Guayadeque

Published in Living in Gran Canaria

While most of the visitors to our island come to our beautiful golden beaches in the south of the island to enjoy the sun and the clear blue waters of the Atlantic many leave without experiencing the beauty in the heart of the island. One of the secret gems of Gran Canaria is Guayadeque located in the gorge between Aguimes and Ingenio this area was originally home to the Guanche race of aborigines who were the first recorded inhabitants on the island. The entire valley is known for its pre-Hispanic archaeological sites, valuable endemic species of flora and fauna is classed as a national monument and is a protected area ensuring that it remains unchanged for future generations. Home to a multitude of naturally formed caves that gave shelter to the island's first settlers to which today their modern counterparts still continue the same basic lifestyle as their ancestors, only accompanied in their daily routines by the curious visitors. On the way up through the valley one will encounter the Museum of Guayadeque which includes exhibits that cover archaeology, architecture, geology, fauna, flora and traditions, amongst others. A stop in one of the various cave restaurants is a must, not only for the delicious traditional regional dishes that they have on offer but also for their unique location built into the rocks. Restaurant “Tagoror” is a favourite and is located at the top near to the end of the valley. By Lucy Evans