12 Nov 2010

Formula 1 – A four way battle.

Published in News
Formula 1 – A four way battle. Never in the history of Formula 1 have four drivers been left fighting for the Drivers title in the final race, there are sure to be millions glued to their tv sets on Sunday at 1pm to watch the final of this memorable year. Spain´s Fernando Alonso is the firm favorite to win as he leads the Championship by 8 points, closely followed by Australian Mark Webber. German´s Sebastian Vettel is 18 points behind Alonso but will be sure to fight until the last minute and last is British Lewis Hamilton who is 24 points off the leader, Lewis needs a miracle greater than the one in 2008 when he won the Championship in the last laps of the final race. I know who I will be supporting but I’m not telling, who will you be supporting?????