07 Sep 2010

Green light to a tourist project with over 7,500 beds in Tauro, Mogán

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News

As La Provincia-Diario de Las Palmas recently reported in its economic section, the tourist project ANFI TAURO, which includes the construction of 13 hotels with some 7,500 beds, to be followed by two artificial beaches and a marina, Â will eventually been carried out by the Santana Cazorla Company group with an investment of some 400 millions euros. The ambitious project consisting of 2 phases - the first covering an area of over 1 million metres square around an 18-holes golf course, and the second concerning an area of 130,000 metres square along the coastal area with a marina for 500 boats - was originally conceived as a unique tourist resort including as well a specialised clinic for respiratory diseases. Such an ambitious project obviously met with some opposition and legal disputes that have for a long time delayed its completion. Thus only part of the original project has been carried out so far, mainly the golf course, as well as several villas and the Emerald Hotel. All legal aspects being now cleared, Mr Santana Cazorla said his group is determined to carry out the project. The promoter means it to be one of the most important tourist resorts in Europe and to give employment to 1.000 people. It certainly will contribute to the further development of the whole Mogán area and give it a definite increased value.