26 Mar 2010

Greeted by whales, natures bounty in Gran Canaria

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News
Nature always puts on it's best show in Gran Canaria, it can sometimes be a little moody, but it is always magnificent. The waters surrounding the Canary Islands see a third of the worlds cetacean species either living or passing through, whales and dolphins are a constant delight to anyone visiting or moving to our sunny shores. Now there is a bright reminder of this rich heritage, as soon as you land at Gando airport on the east coast. Until 15 April there will be a multi coloured exhibition called Expo Orca, in the airport concourse. It features 19 acrylic model orcas covered in intricate patterns that evoke thoughts of natures wonders, 11 Canarian artists have created these works to draw attention to the sea life in this part of the world. This should just whet peoples appetites for the real thing, there are many pleasure excursions from the southern tourist ports like Mogan and Puerto Rico, that will take you out to see these amazing animals in their natural surroundings. By Cardenas News