08 Jan 2010

Rock’n’ Roll in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News

Last Saturday night there was a schoolmates’ get-together of the Colegio Alemán de Las Palmas (German School). We were about 40 old friends from different classes who finished high school in the early 90’s; hard to believe but it will soon be 20 years since! The event had eloquently been published on Facebook as “Show me your wrinkles”. We met at the “Rockola Club” in Las Palmas, a live music night club recently opened by Oliver alias “el Rubio”, one of our old schoolmates and unconditional rock’n’roll fan. The club offers live music from the very best Rock and Blues bands of Gran Canaria, e.g. The Beatmaps (playing Beatles’ versions) or Red Marks (http://www.myspace.com/redmarksrock) only to name some. I truly recommend a visit to Rockola if you are fond of music of the 60’s and 70’s. The address is Olof palme 37 (next to Mesa y Lopez). We had great fun. It was only the day after I realized I am not 18 anymore, what a shame. But I really look forward to repeating the event next year again at Rockola. So Keep on Rockin’, Rubio! By Carolina García Chagrin