08 Jul 2010

Spain reaching the finals of a world cup for the first time

Published in News
Spain is living one of its sweetest moments in sporting history after reaching the finals of the world cup for the first time after beating Germany in the semi-finals with a 1-0 win. I was watching the game hidden away in my house in Arguineguin as I promised not to embarrass my daughter with my shouting throughout the game. The streets were deserted whilst the game was on which was probably the case in every other village, town and city in Spain. After the goal and the final whistle the streets came alive with the sounds of car horns, fireworks and shouts of celebrations including those of Leonor who I work with, she lives just down the road from me and is today suffering from a very husky voice! Also well worth a mention is Paul the octopus who is becoming a well know celebrity and much loved creature for all us Spanish supporters.  Paul correctly predicted that Spain would beat Germany in the semi-final.  For those who have yet to hear about him he is an octopus who lives in an aquarium in Germany, his keepers put 2 feeding boxes in his tank one with the German flag and the other with the rival flag, Paul then chooses the winners box which this time happened to be Spain and keeps his success rate at 100% in this years world cup. Not only are the Spanish footballers our hero’s but Paul the octopus too!