15 Oct 2014

Superfast Internet Coming to Maspalomas

Published in News

100 megabyte per second internet arrivesi n Maspalomas as of next year, according to Telefónica de Canarias. The company is to invest three million euros bringing fibre-optic connections to 18,000 homes and businesses in the San Bartolomé de Tirajana area.

Initially the superfast broadband connections will be available in Maspalomas, La Aldea Blanca, Pasito Blanco, Meloneras and El Tablero. It is already available to 70,000 people in Las Palmas, Telde and the Mancomunidad del Sureste (Agüimes, Ingenio and Santa Lucía de Tirajana).

Telefonica estimates that the first connections in San Bartolomé de Tirajana will be live in mid-2015. No news yet about when it arrives in the Mogán area

Source: Maspalomas Ahora