21 Jan 2010

Swapping white for yellow, Gran Canaria is a beacon for frozen Brits

Published in News

Snow may look nice on photos, and even be fun to play in for a few days, but the UK is in the icy grip of sub zero temperatures that are disrupting everyone's lives. Gran Canaria with its golden sandy beaches and 20 degrees plus of sunshine has never looked so tempting. Full marks to Thomas Cook for offering special low price flight deals from 51.99 pounds, during February, March and April. The UK cold snap looks like hanging around for a few weeks, so getting away makes good financial sense, saving on all that extra heating to keep the snow at bay. The southern hot spots of Mogan, Maspalomas and Puerto Rico have great facilities, sensibly priced bars and restaurants, and glorious beaches to soak up some much needed sun. Winter takes on a whole new meaning in Gran Canaria and the people of the island always offer a warm welcome. Go on put away that snow shovel and head to the airport, the sun is waiting for you. By Cardenas News