29 Oct 2007

World record attempt from Mogan

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News

Ocean Row Events ChallengerPuerto de Mogan will be basking in the gaze of the European press over the next couple of months as a descendant of Christopher Colombus prepares his boat and crew for an assault on the Atlantic crossing record for rowers. Scotsman Leven Brown will be setting off on the near 3,000 mile journey to Barbados, West Indies on December 15 in the boat Ocean Row Events Challenger. The wooden vessel already holds the record of 35 days, 8 hours and 30 minutes from 1992 when it set the time as La Mondiale with a French crew of 11. This is the first part of a three year plan which includes rowing the Indian Ocean in 2008 and the Pacific in 2009, all with the target of raising one million pounds for a selection of charities including MS and Cancer Research. The crew this time, are a mix of British and Irish and a late decision will see them go with 12 or 14 rowers. The boat has four sets of paired seating and crews will work in shifts with non rowers squeezing into the cramped cabin to catch some sleep. The boat is already having sea trials, after a complete refit, and they hope to arrive at Puerto de Mogan about mid November to start the final adjustments.  There are 2 rivals for the record, The Oyster Shack Ocean Challenger, an all English team that leaves from La Gomera 2 weeks earlier, and Orca, an American based crew that has yet to declare when they will go and from which island. Mogan will become the crews home for a few weeks and they will no doubt be just as enchanted by the sun kissed modern marina and it's facillities as countless holiday visitors are.