24 Jan 2008

World Record broken!

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News

 Following up on our earlier story about the valiant attempt by two rowing boats to race each other across the Atlantic from Puerto Mogán to Barbados we are delighted to let you know that the British boat “La Mondiale” landed safe and sound in Port St. Charles Barbados on Thursday 17th January at 20.35 our time. This breaks the current record held by the French by two days, setting a new world record at 33 days, 7 hours and 30 minutes. La Mondiale also broke two further world records during the crossing, being the first rowing boat to cover 117 miles in 24 hours and to travel more than 100 miles a day for 9 consecutive days. The boat experienced bad weather in the early part of the crossing and lost valuable time riding out the storm for more than two days on its sea anchor. Tempers became frayed on occasions due to the cramped space on board but weather conditions were perfect as the men approached Barbados and their spirits were lifted by the proximity of land. We understand that the American rowing boat “La Orca”, which left Puerto Mogán together with “La Mondiale” on 15th December, has been troubled by technical difficulties severely hampering its progress. Meanwhile the champagne celebrations continue in Barbados where overjoyed wives, girlfriends, families and friends had been counting the hours until the heroes landed. Anyone wishing to find out more details on the race: www.oceanrowevents.com and www.oceanrowing.com By Luisa Baldwin & Theresa Bona