06 May 2010

Fiestas in Mogán 2010

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News
After the fun of Carnivals we are now entering into the months where the plazas and streets of nearly each small village within the district of Mogán come alive giving free rein to the fun and joy of their local fiestas. Thanks to a mixture of traditional religious beliefs and a love of celebration these fiestas are a great opportunity for the visitors to get to know the unknown side of our holiday island and its warm-hearted atmosphere. The fiestas in each village usually last between 9 and 14 days and although events take place every day the main ones are held on the weekends. Concerts, performing arts, competitions, exhibitions and dance acts are a few of the activities to be enjoyed but the most celebrated events are the “Romeria” and the “Bajada de la rama”. Romerias: As well as being a religious Catholic event consisting of a pilgrimage with the Patron Saint or Virgin they are also a great time to unite families, friends and neighbourhoods for hours of fun and laughter. Participants dress up in typical Canarian costume and many take part in groups with traditionally decorated floats full of offerings of food for the Virgin or Patron Saint, none of the floats are ever without their grills of sizzling meat and fish, bottles of soft drinks and amongst others our island’s famous Canarian rum from Arehucas! The floats travel from one end of the village and eventually reach the church where the patron saint or virgin is placed and the offerings from the floats are presented whilst typical Canarian instruments are played, songs are sung and beautiful dances by the “Romeros” are to be seen. “Bajada de la rama” translates to “lowering of the branch”, this is an event named after an ancient ritual and consists of a procession where the locals equip themselves with water Pistols, rubber rings or whatever takes their fancy and take to the streets singing behind a band “agua aguita la gente está sequita” (water, water, the people are dry). This then turns into one huge water fight where you will also see people from their houses throwing buckets of water or using hose pipes to drench the people along the route. An outstanding mixture of generations participating, people from all over the island, a calendar full of events and the unique climate make the fiestas not to be missed! Nearer to the dates of the fiestas the town hall will provide pamphlets of the events and the pamphlets can also be found to view and download on the town hall website. Dates of the Romerias: Romeria Motor Grande, Puerto Rico: Saturday the 15th of May Romeria Mogán village: Sunday the 6th of June Romeria Arguienguín: Saturday the 10th of July By Lucy Evans