15 Nov 2010

Gran Canaria ARC 2010 - Gateway To A Caribbean Adventure

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News
In history Gran Canaria was always an impotant stop off point for world sailors, times have changes but it is still a thriving centre for sporting adventures. On 21 November the yachting world will look towards Las Palmas as the 2010 Atlantic Rally for Cruisers begins. The ARC is an annual event and this year 249 yachts will take part with a total of 1,500 crew preparing to cover 2,700 nautical miles to get to Rodney Bay, St Lucia. For most contestants the race will take between 18 and 21 days as they pit themselves against the elements. It's a truly inspiring sight as the sun glints off the water as the 249 yachts bob up and down in Las Palmas harbour with their sails showing a multitude of vibrant colours. You don't have to be quite as committed as these sailors, Gran Canaria is the perfect island to experience all water sports no matter how much experience you have.