18 Jul 2008

Healthy minds and bodies in Maspalomas

Published in Living in Gran Canaria, News
As you lay on the vast expanse of sandy beach at Maspalomas, with the waves rolling in and the sand dunes behind you, work of any sort will be the last thing on your mind. It's your bodies turn to get pampered and tanned, and your brain can enjoy a nice little snooze with just the odd spurt of exercise as you consider which testy restaurant or lively nightspot you would like to visit tonight. Maspalomas It's each to their own in Gran Canaria, but education is taken very seriously on the island, something to bear in mind, if you are toying with settling over here and bringing your children up in the education system. Schools have long summer holidays but there are lots of opportunities for extra learning via the Summer University of Maspalomas, part of the renowned Las Palmas University. This summer it is in its 17th year and 1,500 students will be tackling a range of courses that vary from climate change to electoral reform or even obesity and nutrition. The short courses start on July 7 and run through to August 1, and take place at the Hotel Gloria Palace, not quite your average classroom. Maybe they could do courses on property investment, finding the perfect location or negotiating the legal maze of buying a home. All sounds a bit of an effort, especially when there is all that beach to enjoy, thankfully clients of Cardenas Real Estate have all this taken care of for them by experts with years of experience. So if you want to join the growing number of Brits making the move to Gran Canaria, let Cardenas do your homework for you. By Cardenas News