18 Oct 2007

Property with style, that's the full Monte Leon

Published in Living in Gran Canaria
Anyone interested in sunshine holidays, rewarding property investments and sport in the sun has heard all about Gran Canaria but it still has a few gems tucked away that it likes to share with the lucky few. Monte Làon is definitely such a gem, tucked away in the hills of Maspalomas, just above the bustling resorts of Playa del Ingles and Maspalomas, it offers a sedate, relaxed and stress free environment with stunning views. Nature is the star as craggy hillsides and lush green trees and plants make a spectacular backdrop for luxurious villas. One man who knows Monte Làon better than most ids Antonio Garcia de Cardenas, the now retired founder of the family estate agents, Cardenas. It's 26 years since his dream first took shape but Antonio told Barrie Mahoney why Monte Làon still excites him. "I love the feeling of space and the natural landscape of Monte Làon with views right down to the sea is simply marvellous. The area is safe and we have good neighbours here, but it's nice to have sufficient space between each other to enjoy the peace and quiet." Nature is very much alive here, not just in the views and the colours. "There are lots of wild birds in this mountainous area, it's common to see birds of prey like the buzzard, hovering over the land." Monte León, Gran Canaria If you want to sample natures charms at close quarters, Antonio can also recommend that. "Many people come to this area for walking or cycling, because the roads are safe and the views spectacular. There are tunnels that carry water away from the reservoirs and they are large enough to walk through. By travelling on foot, you can get to parts of the island that are impossible to reach by car, and to discover areas of natural beauty." If that sounds like a challenge to you, Monte Làon is just the place to get to grips with nature, but no one will blame you if you prefer just to sit back, relax and enjoy the views.